Global Book of World Records has a strict list of record policies that must be adhered to for all our Record-Breaking Achievements.
We assess all new record titles against our values of integrity, respect, inclusiveness and passion and it is of the utmost importance to us that all our records reflect this. As such, we have a number of internal policies that all records must adhere to. Our policies are regularly reviewed and updated in collaboration with expert organizations and based on feedback from our readers.
Please find a non-exhaustive list and details of our policies.
Global Book of World Records will not endorse or permit Illegal activities in pursuit of record breaking. Any record attempt proven to occur outside of the local law would be disqualified.
Global Book of World Records will not accept applications or creates new record titles that are related to the consumption, preparation or use or tobacco or nicotine products.
Global Book of World Records will not monitor any records involving unsuitable activities or those which could cause potential harm or danger to their-selves/spectators.
Global Book of World Records does not monitor any record causing air pollution, noise pollution and water pollution and wastage of natural resources.
Any Record that could potentially endanger or harm Animals. This includes any records in which the animals would have to be put to greater stress to achieve a new record, such as endurance records, or records which include any level of danger for the animal. For all animal records, the animal must do the attempt without any physical contact with their owner/trainer. Any attempts that would require physical prompts from the owner/trainer are not allowed.
Any record involving the consumption of alcohol and banned drugs as part of drinking contests, binge drinking, speed drinking, consumption of banned stamina drugs or energy drinks for stimulation will not be entertained.
We do not monitor any records for excessive eating records. All of our eating records showcase the skill of speed eating only and as such are limited to short time periods and small quantities of food, such as fastest time to eat three cream crackers.
We require any record relating to food to follow strict policies regarding food consumption and donation.
Global Book of World Records will not process inappropriate or offensive applications.
It is not permitted for individuals under the age of 18 to attempt or hold records which are considered unsuitable for minors. Anyone under the age of 18 must provide consent from a parent/guardian to attempt these records.
- Under 18’s – Global Book of World Records does not monitor free weight or body weight exercises which are repetitive in nature over time frame. Anyone under the age of 18 must provide consent from a parent/guardian to attempt these records.
Global Book of World Records does not monitor any medical testing records that involve the skin being pierced, or an examination in which a device enters the body beyond what is reasonably comfortable. This includes any tests which require a needle; or an internal physical examination.
Global Book of World Records tries to include as wide a variety of activities as possible to appeal to different age groups, and concentrate on absolute records, rather than those that are qualified in some way.
Global Book of World Records titles are open to anyone irrespective of their level of ability.
The principle of voluntary participation requires that people must not be coerced into participating in a record attempt. However, participants may be recompensed for their expense, time, and inconvenience. Participants at Global Book of World Records events must take part of their own free will. Organizers must ensure that all participants are fully informed about the record they are taking part in.